Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hot Dogs - Are they really made from those cute animals??

Perhaps there are two things that New Yorkers could be proud to have a lot..

Dog Walker - From ABC

Hot Dog Places and Dogs!

Gray's Papaya at 8th Ave w/ 37th St
In almost every corner of the city there is a Hot Dog Cart.. and in almost every house there is a Dog. Besides all the French Bulldogs and Pugs there are a lot of Labradors and Golden Retriever. The big dogs are place in the same square foot as any small dog, as if they were happy. In my building, for example, there is a guy who lives with a Great Dane and another one that has a German Shepherd, God knows what more to expect.

Recently, the New York times wrote a review about the Cat People, and its conflicts and advices in a city of Dog People (Cat People Are People, Too – by Sloane Crosley).

But, maybe, they shouldn’t be so upset, since all dog owners, differently from what Sloane wrote, neither are into a fashion breed style nor need a “real friend”, but they are part of an evil plan to raise dogs and sell then to make hot dog sausages(!)… As everybody says, nobody knows from what they come from…

Maybe, this is why Gray’s Papaya (supposedly the best hot dog of New York City – maybe of the entire world) is so great!! The secret is inside the sausages: they just use the tenderest part of Siberian Husky. Who knows… Perhaps, Taco Bell discovered that recipe and I tried to do some Chihuahuas Tacos. 
Gray's Papaya

But, seriously, for U$1.50 and 2 blocks from my house, Gray’s Papaya is my best option, even if the sausage is made from something I don’t want to know.

In some weeks I will be visiting Brazil, and I will take a picture of a local Hot Dog,so you can check the difference of styles:

NYC Hot Dog = bread + sausage + mustard + ketchup (and in places like GP: read onion sauce)

Brazilian Hot Dog = bread + sausage + mustard + ketchup + mayonnaise + mash potatoes + green beans + corn beans + flower (farofa) + small French fries + tomato sauce + and whatever you can imagine + and some times pressed).

A final question: Do you really believe that people sell kosher and halal hot dogs in those streets carts?

PS – just two more things, I don’t believe in veggie or soy sausages! And no, those places don’t make food from dog!

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